Sunday, March 01, 2020


Dang it, my dastardly scheme to make millions off substandard face masks has failed! Clever people, the best people, in fact, have seen through the hoax of corona virus, and established that it's all a Democrat plot to make the Dow tank, and harm Trump. Which, of course, was obvious from the beginning.

Real Americans will not be fooled.

"Now the Democrats are politicizing the Corona virus. Corona virus, they’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs, you see, how’s President Trump doing?

"Russia, Russia, Russia."

"That was a perfect conversation. They tried everything. They tried it over and over again. They lost. It is all turning. Think of it. And this is their new hoax."

"But you know we did something that has been pretty amazing. We have 15 people in this massive country, and because of the fact that we went early, we could’ve had a lot more than that."

"So a statistic that we want to talk about. Go ahead. Say, USA. It’s okay, the USA.."

"The USA.."

"So a number that nobody heard of, I was shocked to hear of it, 35,000 people on average die each year from the flu, did anyone know that?"

"And so far, we have lost nobody to Corona virus in the United States. Nobody. "

There's this source for asbestos fibre pads, see, which are permeable enough that with a bit of effort one can breathe through them, even when sleeping, which would have been perfect for surgical masks.

But our infallible leaders have seen through the pretense.

The biggest health danger we face is foreigners.

Fifteen people. Only fifteen. 15.

A massive country

The proof, of course, is in the pangolins and bats. We have no pangolins or bats in this country, they're not native, the people bringing them in are all foreigners trying to kill us.

We have possums, raccoons, and armadillos.
Not pangolins or bats.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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1 comment:

Donald Trump said...

March 3, 2020.

Quote: "Likely already at least 500 to 600 cases of Covid-19 in the greater Seattle area."

Quote: "As of Tuesday, the state was reporting 27 cases and nine deaths. That is up from 18 cases and six deaths on Monday."

Source: Washington State risks seeing explosion in coronavirus cases without dramatic action, new analysis says
By HELEN BRANSWELL @HelenBranswellMARCH 3, 2020

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