Wednesday, March 05, 2014


The other day I had a splendid lunch at Hon's Wun-Tun House down on Kearney Street. The place was nearly filled at one o'clock on a Monday afternoon, but thank heavens hardly any white people. Mind you, I like white people. Some of my best friends are white. And I, also, am white. Whiter than that you cannot get. But white people, by and large, talk funny and eat with trepidation. In addition to asking irrelevant questions like "is the rice stick noodle made with brown rice?" and "do you have any wheat and gluten free vegan dishes?"

Then they'll bellyache about the soy sauce or something.

Real food does not change its colours for neurotics.

Which many white folks nowadays are.

洪記麵家 "Hung Gei Mien Ga"
648 Kearny Street
San Francisco, CA 94108

Most of the patrons were middle-aged Chinese (Cantonese) people, whose clothing and language indicated that they came there by choice rather than mere convenience, and many of them did so habitually, because they had known the place for years.

Realistically, the reason to go there is won ton noodle soup (雲吞麵), stewed pigs knuckle (南乳豬手), stewed brisket (牛腩), beef tendon (牛筋) and seui gaau (水餃). They also do other things, but NOT vegan kibble, brown rice crap, or gluten-free muck. If you want any of those last three items, maybe you should eat elsewhere. There's always someplace that caters to your kind, even when you are away from your ethnic enclave (in the suburbs). There are several restaurants that exist exclusively to welcome problematic nutballs in other parts of the city.....
I've reviewed a number of them: eat vegetarians!
I hope that's helpful.

Hon's Wun Tun House.

It's good. It's cheap. It's got meat.

I had the chasiu wonton with rice stick noodles.

Ate with gusto. Broth, noodles, dumplings, and barbecue pork.
Departed happy as a clam (譁,蜆笑噉開心㗎!).

Which pleasant mental state lasted till I got to Safeway, where the sour oppressive atmosphere of hatchet-faced old folks from the condo tower above the store left me drained and enervated.
There's just something about vicious about elderly middle-classes.
It's that cannibalistic aura that many of them have.
They got theirs, screw everyone else.

Maybe they're just related to too many people who have wheat and gluten allergies, avoid meat, and demand brown rice or vegan crap.
Family dinners must be really frustrating for them.
Probably gives them constipation.
That, or the prunes.

I had fully recovered by tea-time, in case you were wondering. Felt like smoking another pipe, and going out into the public thoroughfare to blow noxious fumes at people's children and pets. Boo.

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