Tuesday, March 18, 2014


If I were to hazard a guess as to where and what happened to Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, after all the available evidence I would guess that it might very well be in the mangrove swamps just south of Karachi (south-south-west of Thatta, 150 miles west-north-west of Bhuj). After deviating off course it could have merged into a route recognized as used by several flights from Bangkok at very similar early morning times by various airlines, perhaps with a disguised identity -- false identification in the on-board communication systems -- and 'fallen out of sight' again just after crossing from Indian Airspace into Pakistan.

Please note that such speculation is clever gibberish at best, and mirrors in part what unhinged conspiracy theorists such as Rupert Murdoch have blithely tweeted without any shred of evidence.

Still, indications are that if this was a deliberate act, it took years of planning and preparation. Which suggests sleepers in Kuala Lumpur, and quite considerable skill sets.
After what the ISI did in Bombay (2008), the Pakistanis are natural suspects. A history of rogue-elementism, connections with a range of terrorist organizations (several of which they control or direct), links to the international drug trade, the technical and logistical know-how, and an organizational structure rife with jihadis and opportunists, while never-the-less maintaining a high level of secrecy and deniability.......

Remember that Al Qaeda kingpin we took out in Abbotabad?

Well co-ordinated tribal attacks on fuel convoys?

The assault on the Indian Parliament?


Pattar Creek, Danoo Creek, Khai Creek, Kanno Channo Creek, Katri Creek, Dambir Creek, Pitiani Creek, Khanana Creek, Katonaro Creek, Supethar Creek, Paniar Creek, Diyo Creek, Dabbo Creek, Kukiwari Creek, Subh Creek, Gorabiyo Creek, Mudiwaro Creek, Khilanwari Creek, Jua Creek, Rumwah Creek, Dundri Creek, Richhal Creek, Kuchar Creek, Chhan Creek, Bedewari Creek ......

There are numerous people of South-Asian extraction in Malaysia. Many citizens are Muslims. All that would be necessary is a convincing cover-story for any agents, connections among certain levels of the government and ruling classes, and patience.

And a plausible motive.

What possible motive is behind this?

That last one escapes my unhinged imagination.

There are just too many strange scenarios to contemplate.

Even a completely logical distrust and suspicion of Pakistan and its loathsome people, combined with a sneering dislike of the Malays, cannot produce anything that remotely makes sense.

Despite the well-known Malay hatred of the Chinese, Pakistani duplicity and greed, and an abundant willingness by Muslim extremists to murder non-believers, taken into account.

Or considering the immense impact that a brazen and spectacular terrorist act involving a few hundred innocent civilians and one or two major powers as targets would have.

Still. Mangroves. Flight paths. Know-how. Psychopathic hatred.

Until the plane is found, speculation is natural.

And the Pakistanis have a 'history'.

Oh by the way, the very great likelihood that once we've completely left Afghanistan (end of 2014) we'll have no use whatsoever for Pakistan, and will cease subsidizing their corrupt politicians and military entirely -- cut them loose and forsake that miserable excuse for a country -- and that the United States Dollar flood will run dry for them, does not play into this.
I doubt that they have enough foresight to consider that.
Those that do will simply bail out.
Or kill each other.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:

All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

Read here

The back of the hill said...

Very good article. Still, despite the utter dearth of facts, I enjoy jabbing a knife at the Pakistanis. In addition to the Malays.

Anonymous said...

Your a rascist whackjob.

Anonymous said...

Your a rascist whackjob.

The back of the hill said...

Ohe, Abdoullah,

A comment so good you had to leave it twice?

Mohammed the Pig said...

Further proof that the Pakistanis are a bunch of fucking swine: Sawan Masih: Pakistani Christian gets death penalty for blasphemy

"Sawan Masih was convicted of using derogatory remarks against the Prophet Mohammed in a row with a Muslim friend.

Hundreds of Muslims attacked the city's Christian Joseph colony, torching homes, when the allegations surfaced."

"Critics argue that Pakistan's blasphemy laws are frequently misused to settle personal scores and that members of minority groups are also unfairly targeted."

"The 26-year-old Masih, who is a father of three, has consistently maintained his innocence during the year-long trial.

He argues the real reason for the blasphemy allegation was a property dispute between him and his friend."

The one thing, the ONLY thing, Pakis in Britain and America should be doing, is pressuring the Paki government to change that law. Until it is overturned, Pakistanis cannot and should not be accepted on equal terms, and should be held accountable.

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