Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I am in receipt of a disquieting e-mail from a gentleman with a very Marathi name, pursuant today's terrorist strikes in Bombay.

For those as yet unaware: 80 dead, hundreds wounded, gunfire for the last five hours. Terrorists holed up in the Oberoi and Taj hotels with hostages, as well as at GT Hospital. Attacks also took place at the Chhatrapati Shivaji terminus, Cama Hospital, Crawford Market, Wadi Bunder. Areas currently with a heavy army presence are Colaba, Girgaum, and Nariman Point.
It appears that the group behind this are Islamists, and to the Indian mind that can ONLY mean Pakistani Intelligence agencies. There are very good reasons for that presumption.

My correspondent writes:
"It was obvious that these attacks organized by Pakistanis striking India, and Congress only interested in gathering Muslim votes. There is probably clear link with Pakistani ISI and government. Pakistan have been behind all Muslim attacks previous, and funded mujahedeen groups like lashkar e toiba. They do not hesitate to treachery. There is no Deccan Mujahedeen, that is a name of convenience only. It is Pakistan, always Pakistan. Why is America supporting Pakistan? Can one not see how dangerous that is? How untrustable all Pakistani politicians and generals? I tell you, we should demolish that country. If India should shoot nuclear rockets at Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Karachi, that would solve this problem once and for all!"

Wiping Pakistan off the map is an extreme proposal, but my correspondent is absolutely correct in stating that Pakistan have been behind many previous attacks. The Inter-Services Intelligence agency has for two decades funded, armed, and organized Muslim terrorists in India, nominally in furtherance of Pakistani goals in Kashmir, in actuality in pursuit of a venomous Jihad against India.

Pakistani politicos have consistently looked the other way when not actually cheering ISI perfidy, likewise most Pakistani politicians have known ties with terrorist groups and are actively involved in both jihad and the drug trade.

Pakistan has time and again proven itself a most unreliable and untrustworthy ally, and Pakistan's involvement in Afghanistan continues to destabilize that country. Pakistan has been instrumental in the continuing existence of Al Qaeda, and in Osama Bin Laden's remaining a free man.
Pakistan is an enemy of India, the US, and the west.

In several ways, Pakistan is Sodom and Gomorra; it is doubtful that there are as many as ten good men in that pox of a place. Highly unlikely even half that number.

Nevertheless, leveling all of Pakistan may not be the answer. Pakistan might indeed be a wasteland, but not nuking the place is probably not a bad idea. And I am sure that once my correspondent calms down, he will surely see that even in Pakistan there are things worth preserving.

Goats! I understand they have many lovely goats!
Some of whom are probably still virgins.


Anonymous said...

CST (formerly VT) rail terminus; the landmark Taj Hotel at the Gateway and the luxury Oberoi Trident at Nariman Point; the domestic airport at Santa Cruz; the Cama and GT hospitals near CST; the Metro Adlabs multiplex and Mazgaon Dockyard.

Anonymous said...

Among dead are eleven police - including three high-ranking anti-terror officers.

Anonymous said...

Such a lame inconclusive, chain of useless non factual opinion, it’s sad to know how people tend to say things without research and on preconceive ideas. So does this blame game take us to opinion that what happened in Marriot, Islamabad is directly linked with Hindu extremism with Indian government involvement? Grow up

Anonymous said...

Talk to someone who lives in India. Talk to 50 ppl. Ask them what they and everyone they know KNOW about pakistan and its involvement. I have. Then come back with your f'tard comments about how Pakistan may not be involved and i'll label you a traitor to freedom. Pakistan and it's ppl do NOT want to take responsibility for the terrorism that has taken place in the last decade. Just like the NAZIs. Now are you going to say we should have been nice and understanding to the Nazi's too? Really? According to our laws NAZI sympathizers get put on terror watch lists and former NAZI's are subject to all rightful persecution. AS SHOULD EVERY PAKISTANI NATIVE. I'm tired of this. I dont want this country to fester anymore. And I don't want it's 10,000+ schools to teach DEATH AND GENOCIDE. Have you paid u paid attention now? Are you finally listening? YOU WOULDNT CHOOSE TO LIVE IN ANY NEIGHBORHOOD IN PAKISTAN. YOU WOULDNT EVEN SURVIVE VERY LONG. So stfu. You're words lack any conviction. Pakistan as a whole is diseased and the world needs to be purged of it. The world cant survive this cancer of Pakistan unless it's eliminated as a whole. Not my fault people ignore the path to happiness and freedom and choose vile destruction and hatred. NOT MY F'ING FAULT. But it is going to be ALL our faults if we ignore this country and continue to NOT hold it responsible for its terror acts. Turn the entire country into a nuclear crater. Only way to be sure.

Anonymous said...

Melt Pakistan before they have a chance to retaliate. Those Islamic cocksuckers deserve to burn

Anonymous said...

Marriot Islamabad was clearly homegrown terrorists. The ISI has long been uncontrolled, and riven with operatives pursuing factional agendas within the organization.

The Mumbai terrorists came from Karachi, that is already pretty much established. Could they have done so without ISI knowledge, even if they were Alqaeda? Almost certainly not. The Pakistani hand in this is clear. What is as yet NOT clear is how much the "legitimate" governemtn agencies in that failed state actually knew. Some officials, certainly, are not in the clear.

The Islamabad government is never straight, never above board.

Nuke the bastards.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everybody here in favor of nuking that terroristpit !! Burn them off the earth and take Iran and Saudi Arabia off the map as well.

Destroy islam NOW !!!!

Anonymous said...

Huntington's 'Clash of Civilisations' was quite clear.One of the chapters is called 'Islam has bloody borders'. If only people knew how much support there is in the Islamic world for 9/11 and Mumbai. Even the immigrants of Islamic decent in the western world feel stronger with these horrendous attacks. A global scale conflict is unavoidable. My wife will never have to dress up like a penguin. In the eyes of the islamic world we Europeans are weak, which is true. Our civilisation, however, only is a very thin layer - varnish if you like. Should continental Europe be faced with terrorist attacks on a large scale, the world will quickly find out that people in Austria, Germany, France and Denmark will not respond in the same disciplined manner that characterised the Madrid and London attacks. A 21th century version of 'Kristallnacht' is what I fear most. There are more than 20 million muslims in Western Europe.

Anonymous said...

How about a compromise which will satisfy all concerned? Just wipe out Karachi, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi?

It works for me.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

There was a rally in support of the terror victims in San Francisco Sunday- I did not see one representative of the Muslim community there- not one Muslim leader condemning the attacks. Their silence is very telling

The back of the hill said...

I did not see one representative of the Muslim community there

Sure there was. He was the angry young gentleman with a keffiyeh who tried to provoke us with sneering comments about the West-Bank and Gaza, after taking pictures on his cell-phone that he sent to all of his little friends. He hung around for another twenty minutes looking for someone else to pick on afterwards. Too cowardly to confront the angry Indians, though.

Remember, it's all about them. Everything. World-wide. It's always all about them.

I saw him on Grant Avenue on my way home. Rather wished I could've done a drive-by on him.

Anonymous said...

Muslim body refuses to bury 9 killers
1 Dec 2008, 0604 hrs IST, Mateen Hafeez, TNN

MUMBAI: The Muslim Council on Sunday decided not to allow burial of the bodies of the nine terrorists killed during the Mumbai siege in the Marine Lines Bada Qabrastan (cemetery).

The council said it was trying to send a message to all cemeteries in India that none of the bodies should be buried on Indian soil.

Bhai Jagtap, a Congress MLA from VP Road-JJ constituency, told TOI some Muslim organisations had approached him demanding that the terrorists should not be buried in any cemetery in India.

"Considering their sentiments, I am trying to get in touch with deputy CM R R Patil and other senior leaders. I will forward this message to the state government," said Jagtap. The council authorities have handed over a letter to the Marine Lines cemetery in this regard.

Anonymous said...

"angry young gentleman"

Oh, yes! I do remember- he was the one screaming "Pay attention to me! Pay attention to me", In many ways, he was like a toddler- he just couldn't stand that someone else's grief , someones else's feelings might take precedent over his.

1Trader said...

One thing is clear, if the present world powers allow Pakistan to retain its nuclear weapons, the chance of their use - or the need to use such weapons on Pakistan - is unacceptably high.

The forceful disarming of Pakistan will not only protect others, it will protect Pakistan as well.

It is insanity that the US provides billions of dollars of aid to Pakistan while permitting them to retain nuclear weapons.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan is nothing but a sh*t hole, it hides, encourages and breeds terrorists. the sooner this country is nuked into the upper atmosphere the better.

Sod diplomacy just nuke the bastards

Anonymous said...

The Pakistanis are goddammed murdering bastards. Nuke the sods.

Anonymous said...

Amongst all nations there are the undesirables that burden the rest of society and they are accommodated in stride. Never has the modern world had to deal with an entire nation of undesirables. We should try to find what few noble people reside in Pakistan and get them out. For the rest it should be either containment or lights out. Calling them animals is too kind a word. What about pestilence?

Anonymous said...

mohammed was a wife beating pedophile, what do you thinks his pig fucking follows are trying o do?
They follow satan and death, so lets give them there wish.
nuke the inbreads of hey face of hey world.

dheeraj said...

rather future nuclear tests india can do in pakistan cities .. after all earlier tests in pokharan has not been potent enough as we learnt

Tughral Singh said...

rather future nuclear tests india can do in pakistan cities .. after all earlier tests in pokharan has not been potent enough as we learnt

It is a crying shame that tests in Pokharan not potent enough. Suggestion: test in Islamabad. Not only that way wipe out half of the ISI and all of AlQaeda, but also remove linguistic blot from map. Islamabad? What a horrid name - it suggest murder, rape, and theft. Blackenholeabad far better.

Anonymous said...

The presidential candidate who runs on a Nuke Pakistan platform will win my vote.

Anonymous said...

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The back of the hill said...

Please note: the comment above was approved (minus the embedded linkage) because it was quite amusing, given the content of both the post under which it was placed, and the commentary which preceded it.

Indeed, very pleasant thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I could not resist commenting. Very well written!

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