Friday, November 07, 2008


You remember Joran van der Sloot? Joran is the gentleman who was involved in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba in 2005.

Neither the Aruban police nor the Dutch national police ever managed to pin her disappearance on Joran van der Sloot, and the Dutch press and public were adamant that he could not have had anything to do with it. After all, he was a well-brought-up Dutch boy, from a good family, whose father was a respected lawyer (Paul van der Sloot).
Natalee Holloway was merely an American high school girl (one strike against her), from the south (two strikes against her), distantly related to the Bush family (three strikes against her), who was drunk at the time.

The Dutch public was outraged at the attempt to blame Joran van der Sloot, and insisted that the young lady had probably run away to join the sex-industry in Latin America, and in any case deserved whatever happened to her.
Joran was innocent, and in their eyes Natalee was an American slut who only got what was coming to her.

Since then, tapes and casual remarks of Joran van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers have pretty much established that they drugged Natalee, gang-raped her as she was dying, and dumped the body in the ocean.

Much of the Dutch public still feels that she got what she deserved.

After all, she was an American high school girl, from the south, distantly related to the Bush family, who was drunk at the time.

Drugging girls for the purpose of sex is common enough in the Netherlands that it does not excite much comment.

At this time, all evidence in the case, while establishing the course of events clearly, does not constitute actionable material to the Dutch authorities.

The Dutch public remains angry at crime reporter Peter DeVries for uncovering much of what actually happened.


Joran van der Sloot is now living in Thailand, selling Thai women to European pimps.

Algemeen Dagblad
De Telegraaf,1

[Note, both articles are in Dutch.]

His price for a Thai girl is ten thousand Euros. Included in the deal are letters and documents showing that she is going to the Netherlands for educational purposes, plus all necessary identification and travel papers, and the young woman herself, to be smuggled into the Netherlands and delivered to the purchaser.

Fresh deliveries can be made every week, guaranteed.

It is not known whether drugs and rape are part of the bargain.

Judging by the villa in Bangkok in which he lives, business must be good. Booming, in fact.
The demand exceeds supply, and potential buyers in Holland abound.

Please note that Joran van der Sloot is well-brought-up, and from a good Dutch family, whose father is a respected lawyer. You can trust him.


Anonymous said...

Obviously you don't have a clue of what people in Holland are thinking: I can tell you that there is not a living soul here in Holland that likes Joran van der Sloot nor has any sympathy for what he has done. We all feel sorry for Natalee's family and their loss. Joran van der Sloot fled Holland because he did n't get a moment of peace here, he was followed by journalists 24/7 and he was even threatened and therefore went abroad were he is now again playing the role he likes best. He is a pig and I hope he will rot in a Thai prison.

The back of the hill said...

Obviously you don't have a clue of what people in Holland are thinking
Tsja, dan zit het er natuurlijk ook dik in dat ik geen woord Nederlands versta.

Beste mijnheer Vos, u ziet over het hoofd dat ik al jaren Nederlandsche kranten en Nederlandsche webrubrieken lees. Bovendien correspondeer ik regelmatig mat Nederlanders. Dienovereenkomstig kan ik wel degelijk beweren dat ik Nederlanders goed begrijp.

Totdat De Vries aan het begin van deze jaar met zijn aflevering over Joran van der Sloot kwam, waren vele Nederlanders ervan overtuigd dat Natalee het verdiend had, of ergens in Latijns Amerika in haar vuistje lachte, of zelfs dat haar klasgenoten haar om zeep hadden geholpen. Van sympathie voor haar familie was weinig sprake.

Het Nederlandstalig internet-gebabbel over de zaak Holloway was van zo een venijnig gehalte dat men de indruk kon krijgen dat Nederlanders over het algemeen 'n Amerikaans meisje als wegwerp vodje zagen.

Toen ik nog daar woonde werden Amerikanen trouwens toch niet als gelijken beschouwd. De herinnering aan tweede rangs mens zijn heb ik nog sterk. Ik houd het niet voor wwarschijnlijk dat een Amerikaan in de Nederlandsche maatschappij een fair deal krijgt.

Anonymous said...

So, nu? Are you going to translate for us intellectually stagnant mono-lingual types?

Anonymous said...

A translation? Let me as partly bilingual person assay an attempt.

Beste mijnheer Vos, u ziet over het hoofd dat ik al jaren Nederlandsche kranten en Nederlandsche webrubrieken lees. Bovendien correspondeer ik regelmatig mat Nederlanders. Dienovereenkomstig kan ik wel degelijk beweren dat ik Nederlanders goed begrijp.

Dear mister Vos, you ignore that I have been reading Netherlandish newspapers and Netherlandish web rubrics for years. Furthermore, I correspond regularly with Netherlanders. It follows from that that I most certainly am entitled to claim that I understand Dutch people.

Totdat De Vries aan het begin van deze jaar met zijn aflevering over Joran van der Sloot kwam, waren vele Nederlanders ervan overtuigd dat Natalee het verdiend had, of ergens in Latijns Amerika in haar vuistje lachte, of zelfs dat haar klasgenoten haar om zeep hadden geholpen. Van sympathie voor haar familie was weinig sprake.

Till De Vries, in the early part of this year, broadcast his television special about Joran van der Sloot, many Dutch were convinced that Natalee deserved it, or was laughing about it somewhere in Latin Amerika, or even that her classmates had done her in. There was scarcely any sympathy for her family.

Het Nederlandstalig internet-gebabbel over de zaak Holloway was van zo een venijnig gehalte dat men de indruk kon krijgen dat Nederlanders over het algemeen 'n Amerikaans meisje als wegwerp vodje zagen.

The Dutch-language internet chatter about the Holloway case was of such a venomous character that one could get the impression that a majority of Netherlanders considered American girls as throw-away shmatte.

Toen ik nog daar woonde werden Amerikanen trouwens toch niet als gelijken beschouwd. De herinnering aan tweede rangs mens zijn heb ik nog sterk. Ik houd het niet voor wwarschijnlijk dat een Amerikaan in de Nederlandsche maatschappij een fair deal krijgt.

When I still lived there, Americans were not considered equals in any case. The memory of being a second-rate person is still strong. I do not think it probable that an American will be treated fairly in Dutch society.

Nu then.

Anonymous said...

Remains the question what does it say about us that one of our people is engaged in the white slave trade in Asia.

There are people that one naturally would wish to divest oneself of, or in any case put outside of society.

Joran is of that a sample par excellence.

Anonymous said...

And I must remark that there are misspellings in the Dutch that is given above.

1. mat - moet zijn: met.

2. wwarschijnlijk - moet zijn: waarschijnlijk.

The idiomatic "in haar vuistje lachte" literally says 'in her fist laughed', such as a secretive person could do.

I find it doubtful that any of the Thai girls enslaved by Joran might do so. Likely instead they weep in their soup.

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

"was merely an American high school girl (one strike against her), from the south (two strikes against her), distantly related to the Bush family (three strikes against her), who was drunk at the time."

Gee, the Dutch seem to think just like the average Northeaseterner pseudo-intellectual...

Anonymous said...

I really wonder which newspapers you read and with what type of Neatherlanders you communicate. Living in The Netherlands, reading 4 newspapers, politically from left-to- right, 3 so called opinion magazines and following the audio-visual media on a day-by-day basis I cannot understand how you came to your conclusions.

Oh surely, there might have been e few people thinking that Natalee deserved what happened to her but the vast majority of Neatherlanders were deeply shocked and very sympathetic to her father and mother.

You refer to internet chatting, obiously from dubious sites, and that leads to your conclusion that many Netherlanders consider American girls as throw-away objects. That mr. Back of the Hill is absolutely nonsens and 100% contrary to my personal day-by-day experience here in The Netherlands.

It is true, neither the Aruban nor the Dutch police managed to solve the case, there is until now no body found nor are there witnesses. Your statement Dutch press and public were convinced of van der Sloots innocence is nonsense, almost everybody was convinced of the opposite and hope that evidence shall be found as soon as possible. The three strikes against her, in the eyes of the Dutch public, as you state, is even greater nonsens. Why should someone on the Dutch streets consider a Highschool girl coming from the south as minor? I think 95% of the people here do not even know what a high school is let alone that they knew she came from the south and if so why that should be a disadvantage.

I think the reason for your very sour article is hidden in the last sentence of your answer to Paul Vos.

The back of the hill said...

I really wonder which newspapers you read
Algemeen Dagblad, Telegraaf, NRC Handelsblad, Trouw, Volkskrant, Eindhovens Dagblad, Limburgs Dagblad, Het Parool, and Gazet van Antwerpen.

... and with what type of Neatherlanders you communicate
Mostly middle-class, educated, middle-aged. Many of them are multi-lingual. Some are Indos, some are Jewish, some are, in fact, Americans and Englishmen long resident in the Netherlands.

... internet chatting, obiously from dubious sites,
All sites are dubious. It depends on the person doing the doubting.

contrary to my personal day-by-day experience here in The Netherlands.
But based one hundred and twenty percent on my daily experience living in the Netherlands from 1962 through 1978, plus several extended visits since. As I may have indicated in some other sour writings about the Netherlands, it is not the majority who are the problem, but the (substantial, charmless, and vocal) minority who by their behaviour, their statements, and their treatment of foreigners (bijvoorbeeld Marokanen, Turken, en Amerikanen) make life sour. The utter lack of nuance in their ideas and views on America is sometimes stunning, usually merely irritating and disappointing. Couple that with the common conviction that the Dutch have been a beacon of culture, a civilizing influence, and a model of ethical behaviour throughout the centuries, and you have a recipe for poison.
Again, not the majority - but an errant arrogant minority that is always right, and whom the majority not only tolerate, but emotionally support. They are Dutch. And an American is not only a foreigner, but a representative of much that the Dutch see fit to dislike. Think of it as pricking a voodoo doll.

I think the reason for your very sour article is hidden in the last sentence of your answer to Paul Vos
"Ik houd het niet voor waarschijnlijk dat een Amerikaan in de Nederlandsche maatschappij een fair deal krijgt."

That, my dear anonymous, is an understatement; I put it far too mildly. I should've written that I not only do NOT 'hold it likely', but that it was very rare indeed during my time there.

I like individual Dutch people. But as a group, I prefer the French.
The Dutch I still enjoy the company of are primarily Indos and Jews, a number of Surinamers, some well-educated people with much exposure to the outside world, bookstore clerks, and sigaren magazijn employees.
I limit my exposure to the rest of the cheese as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like someone who knows the product he's selling. At least these girls are still alive.

---Grant Perturbed

Anonymous said...

"Drugging girls for the purpose of sex is common enough in the Netherlands that it does not excite much comment."

I doubt that, but do you think that does not happen in the USA?
Nobody in the Netherlands has any sympathie for Joran but more and more people want due process rather than trial by media.

It seems much more likely that van der Sloot was trying to swindle some money out of perceived sex-bosses rather than engaging in the flesh trade and he surely was not planning to send unknowing innocent women. None of the papers you described were actually processed.

If you want to bash Joran, go ahead, but do this with facts and not merely by critcizing dutch society coz obviously you ave your facts wrong and only express opinions.

The back of the hill said...

If you want to bash Joran, go ahead, but do this with facts and not merely by critcizing dutch society coz obviously you ave your facts wrong and only express opinions.

Beste Peter,
Ik ben daar geweest, en heb daar vele jaren gewoond. Ik ken Nederland waarschijnlijk beter dan menig Nederlander.
Inderdaad, een opinie. Edoch, een opinie gebaseerd op ervaringen met Nederlanders en lange kennis met dat land.
En tussen haakjes, beste Peter en andere Nederlanders - ik spreek, lees, schrijf uw taal al bijna vijftig jaar. Dus u zult maar moeten aanvaarden dat de Nederlandsche samenleving mij beslist niet vreemd is.
De venijnige trekjes van die samenleving zijn mij ook niet vreemd. Menig allochtoon heeft ddarvan betere kennis dan de doorsnee autochtoon.
Het zou u lieden zeker niet schaded om eens beter naar uw Turken, Marokkanen, en overige "buitenlanders" te luisteren.

The back of the hill said...

Oh and by the way, dear Paul and Peter, I see that your frightful newsrags are propagandizing for the Palestinian cause again.

Doesn't it bother you to live in a country where the press on the whole is worse than ours, and seems to have agendas that are so counter to everything that is good and right?

The back of the hill said...

As a friend once said, there is "pravda" and there is 'Pravda'.

An understanding of the term pravda is of course crucial to getting the joke.

En die subtiliteit is onder Nederlanders mischien ook te ver gezocht.

The back of the hill said...

Wll lookee here:

Now some unknown is claiming that Beth Holloway caused the disappearance of her daughter, and the commentarists underneath the Algemeen Dagblad article are going apeshit with the ususal anti-American remarks.



Kan men zich niet beter druk maken over verdwijningen die in Nederland plaatsvinden , dan steeds maar weer die aandacht voor zo'n typisch HYSTERIES amerikaans drama , een land waar men nooit te beroerd is om "vuil"spel te spelen.

rg - nl - 25/11/08 - 14:46:09 2799880

Daar kan ik me helemaal in vinden.Ik heb de moeder van Natalee in alle intervieuws NIET 1 keer het allerbelangrijkste horen zeggen: "Het ergste van alles is dat mijn dochter dood is en dat ik nooit afscheid heb kunnen nemen" Schijnt dat ze al vermistpamfletten zat te maken in het vliegtuig daarheen,toen wist ze niet beter of haar dochter was gewoon niet op het vliegtuig gestapt naar huis..

Kim - Den Haag - 25/11/08 - 15:27:38 2799982

Zou het niet zo kunnen zijn dat Natalee helemaal niet gevonden wil worden?Misschien heeft ze dit reisje wel gebruikt om voor eens en altijd verlost te zijn van die stiefvader en die rare moeder?
Mij verbaasd niets meer in deze wereld.
Misschien zit ze wel bij de Farc.

Marcus - Rotterdam - 25/11/08 - 15:48

Niets nieuws onder de zon aangaande de dochter. Berichten over haar op zijn zachtst gezegd niet zo fraaie reputatie deden vanuit de VS meteen al de ronde. Maar goed, daarom hoeft ze nog niet vermoord of wat dan ook te worden natuurlijk.

Gompie - Zoetermeer - 25/11/08 -

Feitelijk niets nieuws onder de zon. In mijn commentaren bij aanvang van het gehele persgebeuren heb ik heel duidelijk aangegeven dat moeder Holloway niet de waarheid omtrent haar dochter sprak. Ze moest juist niets zeggen en dat deed ze wel door maar door te gaan over haar goede dochter. Kringen rond hen hadden al haar losbandigheid genoemd en haar verslaving waarvan ze net genezen verklaard was.

Zaanse - Jantje

Inderdaad. Ik heb interviews gezien via internet met detectives die hiermee bezig zijn geweest. Zijn behoorlijk teruggefloten door mevrouw de moeder. Sommige mensen die wilde praten waren ineens zoek. Beerput die ten koste van JvdS en eigenlijk ook wel PRdV niet mocht opengemaakt worden.

Butterfly - Nieuwegein

The back of the hill said...

Not all reactions were anti-American or suggested that Natalee Holloway was a drug-addicted slut with a thing for black men. Nor did all of the reactions state that Joran van der Sloot was a victim of some dastardly Amrican plot. But I fail to see much evidence of perspective or fairness in the reactions.

Het spoort niet met julie, daar in dat kaaskontreitje.

Anonymous said...

I want to be Joran Van Der Sloot's slave. Take me Joran, I'll do whatever you command!


That's so nasty! Isn't his family ashamed of him?

Anonymous said...

En dit artiekel is werkelijk fascinerend:
Politiechef wilde Joran niet oppakken

Wat daarin staat:
Politiecommissaris Jan van der Straten heeft het onderzoek naar de verdwijning van Natalee Holloway in 2005 gedwarsboomd om zijn vriend Paul van der Sloot te beschermen.

En ook:
Volgens Croes weigerde de commissaris Joran van der Sloot te arresteren. ,,Dat kan ik mijn vriend Paul niet aandoen,’’ zou hij hebben gezegd volgens Croes. Ook zette hij een tweederangs politieteam op de zaak. ,,Agenten die normaal worden ingezet met carnaval.’’

En verder nog:
Ook op de Nederlandse regering uit de Arubaanse minister enige kritiek. ,,Tot op de dag van vandaag krijgen we internationaal geen morele steun van Nederland, terwijl de Arubaanse naam wordt bezoedeld. In 2005 werd ons gevraagd zo goed mogelijk te verzwijgen dat Joran een Nederlander is. Hij moest zo veel mogelijk voorkomen als Arubaan. Dat heeft een Nederlandse minister - ik zeg niet wie - persoonlijk verzocht.’’

Dus onder druk van hoger werd het onderzoek gesaboteerd. Leuke toestand. Wat zijn we toch een derde rangs rotland geworden.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The back of the hill said...

My dear Bob Hairstyles,

This is not the venue for haphazard advertisements. That is why I removed your comment. Please go busk your crappy merchandise elsewhere.
Thank you.

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