Friday, December 15, 2006


So what did Ahmedinejad achieve with his holocaust conference this week?

Other than getting up the hackles of the civilized world?

Whatever publicity that travesty was given did little else than clarify, for whoever had any doubt left, that Iran is a rogue state, that those who listen to Iran in the Arab world are not interested in truth, and that many Muslims have a streak of revisionism and cloud-cuckoo-land fantasy so inordinately wide that it is pointless to talk with them.

The European nations seem to have grasped that permitting Iran to further any of its ambitions might be a mistake (and lordy, it's taken a while for them to comprehend that not all modern-day nation-states are rational players).

Bluntly put, this conference discredited the anti-Israel side. It did nothing else but discredit the anti-Israel side, even among the cotton-wool peace-loving idealist butterflies of Western Europe.

Even among the Arabs, there have been voices making a loud Bronx cheer, and commentators suggesting that Ahmedinejad has befouled his own side by associating with certain "scholars".

[No need to mention who those scholars are - they are such shameless egomaniacs that even those who have not yet been mentioned will undoubtedly out themselves by handing out press-releases, and trumpeting their having attended for years to come.]

Even worse, for Ahmedinejad and co., was the attendance of many whose only creditbility lies with the unutterables and untouchables of the world.

Such as David Duke.

And Neturei Karta.

Collectively the Ku Klux Klan and the Ku Klux Karta.
[As someone eloquently jibed on the Yeshiva World blog (]

Neturei Karta has a talent for showing up on the wrong side. They allegedly are a group of Ultra-Orthodox Jews who believe that the existence of the state of Israel before the coming of the Messaiah is anathematic, and are rabidly opposed to there even being a secular Jewish state.

Part of that worldview is based on Talmudic commentary that suggests that golus is the natural state for Jewry after the destruction of the Temple and the dispersal of the Jews by the Romans. Neturei Karta regards themselves as guardians of genuine Judaism, and everybody else as either regrettably and horribly wrong or utter heretics, Gentiles even.
Whatever they may think of actual Gentiles does not prevent them from supporting those very Gentiles who have consistently tried to kill Jews at every opportunity, so deep is their distaste for Jews who disagree with them.

What Neturei Karta fails to realize, like most others on the anti-Israel side, is that Israel already exists as a state, will continue to exist as a state, and no amount of agitation or moral-support for Jihadi and Harakati terrorism will change that. Were they tuned in to reality, even Neturei Karta would have to acknowledge the medina as an unchangeable fact, and deal with it.

But, like that fool Ahmedinejad, they prefer instead to whine and bellyache, and lend their support to murderers and sadists.

We were treated to the sight of Ahmedinejad, Neturei Karta, David Duke, Neo-Nazis, and assorted racists, incendiarists, and madmen, happily shaking hands, exchanging cooking tips, congratulating each other, and enjoying a good laugh in each others' company.

Had it not been so ludicrous, it might have been a little bit frightening.

As it was, it merely made clear who the enemy is, and why they are the enemy. And why one cannot truck with them.

Even the Europeans realize this.

But it remains to be seen whether they will do anything about it. If they don't, Ahmedinejad's little hate-fest will have served no purpose whatsoever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tayera Reb The Back of the Hill. What's there to say. You are 100% correct. We both seem to have the same basic temperament at heart at least when you get me settled down into deep thinking and even not so deep thinking mode.

The Neturei Karta visitors lended aid and comfort to all the enemy stood for just by being there. It would have been better if some leftwing appeaser came. Even that would have been bad. But the symbolism and false impression of having these YoYos who came instead from the Jewish Community is worse. Esav has in his nature to hate Yaakov. What’s their excuse?

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