Monday, November 20, 2006



What is the right bracha to say on a pumpkin pie?

This is dependent upon whether it is part of the meal, and thus covered by the bracha over the bread, or a snack, and therefore deserving of its own bracha. In which case, which bracha? Is it a fruit of the etz, or a fruit of the aretz? And know that pumpkin pie contains dairy.

Chazal never knew from pumpkins.

If Chazal didn’t know from pumpkins, pumpkins don’t exist.

Some pies are like shtreimelech, others like kulpakim.


Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

mmmm pumpkins...

pumpkin muffins from the kosher dunkin donuts in teaneck, nj...

elf said...

I'm pretty sure that pumpkins are adamah, since they grow on a vine, and halkhah is pretty strict about what it classifies as "trees" for the sake of brachot. (Of course, you shouldn't rely on me for psak.)

Anyway, the brachah made on pumpkin pie has nothing to do with the brachah made on pumpkin, since the fruit is no longer in its natural form. The pertinent question is whether pie is mezonot or shehakol. My understanding is that the easiest way to deal with the issue is to take some crust, say mezonot, and eat it, and then take some filling, say shehakol, and eat it. But again, don't take my word for it.

Unknown said...

That’s how I learned it elf! I say 2 brachot

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