Wednesday, November 22, 2006



Counter Anti-Israel vigil this Friday in San Francisco

Counter Women In Black’s annual post-Thanksgiving anti-Israel rally in Union Square.
Friday, November 24th, 11:30AM - 1 PM
Meet at the Bank of America building across from the Powell St. BART station, Powell and
Market, downtown San Francisco.


Every year, the local chapters of Women In Black stage an anti-Israel rally on the day after Thanksgiving.
This is their signature event and their largest of the year. They stand in the busiest shopping area, Union Square, on the busiest shopping day of the year to demonize Israel and to scare small children with their outfits.

Although The Bay Area Women in Black claim to be for "peace" and have even endorsed the "Two State Solution," their own statements, actions, and associations tell another story.

Both the San Francisco and Berkeley sections of Women In Black endorsing the Palestinian "Right to Return" – code for the demographic destruction of the Jewish State – and they have hosted events calling areas even within the "Green Line" (the 1948 armistice line with Jordan) as "occupied." Earlier this month, they led chants of "Palestine Will Be Free/From The River to the Sea" at a rally at the Montgomery BART station. They routinely stand with the most venomous anti-Israel organizations and stand side by side with the most vicious anti-Semites.

Their main focus lately has been opposing Israel’s defensive operations against the incessant rocket attacks from Gaza. In their flyers denouncing Israel for its "Siege on Gaza," they fail to even mention that the operation is in response to Palestinian
rocket fire! They highlight the unfortunate and regrettable effects on the civilian population, but completely ignore the fact that the operation is in response to Palestinian terrorist aggression against Israeli civilians!


As we have done in previous years, Stand WithUs/SF Voice For Israel will be there to provide the pro-Israel/anti-terrorism voice. Please join us to stand up for Israel’s right to exist and to stand up for Israelis being able to live in peace with their neighbors without fear of rocket attacks.

This year we will have the debut of the "Smack That! Dancers." Please bring an extra shoe (old sneakers are ideal) and instructions will be provided on site.

Also this year, the Women in Black will be marching rather than staying in one position. This means we will be marching as well. There will be an area for standing/sitting for those who are unable to march around Union Square. For those of you who arrive late, you will be able to find us by looking for the Israeli and American flags.

In addition to your old shoe, please bring your noisemakers, flags, and signs. As always, feel free to make your own signs but please no signs or graphics offensive to any racial or ethnic group including but not limited to Arabs, Islam, or Palestinians. Signs in violation of our policies will not be allowed.

Demand an end to rocket attacks against Israeli civilians!
Demand Gilad Shalit, Eldad Regev, and Ehud Goldwasser be returned home safely!
Demand the Palestinian Authority put an end to terror attacks!
Demand an end to the deligitimization and demonization of Israel!
Demand the Palestinian Authority and their local supporters choose peace so that the Palestinian people can have a future!

StandWithUs/San Francisco Voice for Israel


Upcoming Events

Saturday, November 25th, 3- 4 pm - Counter anti-Israel protest
Berkeley - Corner of College and Ashby.

Saturday, December 2nd, 3- 4 pm - Counter anti-Israel protest
Berkeley - Corner of College and Ashby.

Monday, December 4th 11:30AM – Counterprotest anti-Israel demonstration outside AIPAC lunch.
747 Howard Street, San Francisco (Outside Moscone Center South)

Monday, December 4th 5:30PM – Counterprotest anti-Israel demonstration outside AIPAC dinner.
1001 Broadway, Oakland (outside Oakland Marriott).
This will be a large demonstration so please make every attempt to be there. Many people who are attending the dinner also help us counter the anti-Israel forces outside, and then head inside.

Saturday, March 17th, 2007 – Next Wrong, A.N.S.W.E.R. rally. Exact time and location to be announced.


Do you want to become more involved with organizing our activities? Send a message to <>

If you are interested in participating in our campaign to counter anti-Israel speakers, please send an e-mail to <>

Join the discussion! Do you have ideas? Classes to announce? Events to announce or discuss? Join our discussion list by sending an e-mail to <> .

San Francisco Voice for Israel is a non-partisan coalition that takes no position on the war in Iraq, the settlements, or Israel's final borders. Our members span the political spectrum and are united only by our commitment to preserving the State of Israel as a Jewish State within secure, defensible borders.

Please send your tax deductible donation to
Stand With Us
P.O. Box 341069
Los Angeles, CA 90034-1069
Write SFV4I in the memo line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dan wants us to dance.
I'm too... er... "inhibited" to dance in public.
Even for a good cause.
"Dignified". The word I was looking for was "dignified".
I'm too "dignified" to dance in public.
I like that better.

This may require copious amounts of alcohol.

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