Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Ninety-five percent of the votes counted.

The results for the major parties are:

CDA (Christian Democratic Appeal; centrist) 41 seats.
PvdA (Labour; only mildly insane) 32 seats.
SP (Socialist re-branding of the old Moscow-oriented Dutch Communist Party; vicious mean-spirited crypto-Stalinist bastards) 26 seats.
VVD (Liberals; soft and squishy centrists with a freemarket bent) 22 seats.

The results for the minor parties are:

PvdV (Freedom Party headed by Geert Wilders; mildly rightist) 9 seats.
GroenLinks (Green-Left; rabid idiots) 7 seats.
Christian Union 6 seats.
D66 (Democrats '66; centre-left) 3 seats.
SGP 2 seats.
Animal Party 2 seats.
Pim Fortuin List only one seat.

Now, I know some of my dear friends and acquaintances in the old sod are probably overjoyed at the succes of the Socialist Party, which went from nine seats and an opposition role, to over two dozen seats and almost certainly cabinet posts. Certainly, it is a fabulous victory.
All I can say is, screw you guys - you and your crypto-Stalinist buddies do not deserve to walk on this earth, I hope you die of several plagues plus indigestion and gastric blockage. And I hope that they never mark your graves and plow your bones under, along with every rotten moron who voted socialist today.

What a pity the CIA isn't in the business of toppling foreign governments anymore.


Note I: The Socialist Party originated as a Maoist splinter-group, and has a long history of fully supporting all the most extreme elements world-wide (from Sandinistas through Fidel to Hugo-Chavezistas, plus Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Iranians). If any one thinks that their huge election triumph is good news, they need their head examined. Quite frankly, I would love nothing better than civil war in the Netherlands at this point. These socialists make the PPR and the PvdA look like middle-of-the-road wussies. The only good thing is that they're ideologues rather than in any sense rational, and will probably prove themselves the sand in the cogs early on.

Note II: The Christian Democratic Appeal is the union of three religious parties - two Protestant and one Catholic.
Despite the name, they are anything save solidly Christian, having had Hindu and Muslim parliamentarians in previous years. One might therefore think that they merely represent a more faith-oriented segment of the population.

But, lest you go all gooey over them, please remember that former CDA prime-minister Andreas (Dries) van Agt is rabidly anti-Israel, and an apologist for Palestinian terror and obstreperation - in many ways the perfect modern anti-Semite, in addition to being a confidant of both Greta Duisenberg (notorious Dutch anti-Israel agitator and anti-Semite) and Israel Shamir (aka Jöran Jermas, converted quisling, Himmler apologist and sonei-Yisroel extraordinaire). Dries van Agt has lent tacit support to the boycott movement, and has publicly spoken in favour of isolating Israel.

There is nevertheless widespread support for Israel among the CDA rank-and-file, who reject the rhetorical stamping of the Netherlands as 'a Zionist colony' and a 'slave-dependency of Israel and United States'.
The upshot is that while the CDA are on the whole reliable centrists, and opposed to the ideology of the Dutch ultra-left, they do harbour some fellow travellers who are far less than perfect, and consequently need watching.

1 comment:

Jack Kessler said...

This is a logical follow on to the Dutch and French rejection of the proposed EU constitution in 2005. The EU as a state rather than a treaty organization would have changed the face of international politics over the course of the coming century. Without a state, Europe will have opinions and money but no army and no common foreign policy.

I find it delightful that the constitution, (a euphemism for Franco-German influence) was rejected on exactly the same arguments that were used by the French and left against globalisation (a euphemism for US influence).

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