Tuesday, May 16, 2006


There are times when the Dutch rise to greatness.
Understandably, I take great pride in partially belonging to the tribe at those times.

There are many more times when I am embarrassed as all git out to be associated with that bunch of narrow-minded cheese-whacking pustules, and would rather not even be on the same planet as them. Well, half of them.

Such as when Dutch politicians prove, once again, that they are cretins.

They do this often enough that it's a permanent sore, but what those blinkered bastards did recently takes the cake.

They have demanded that Ayaan Hirsi Ali turn in her Dutch passport. Apparently errors regarding name and birthdate on forms are mortal sins in the Netherlands

[These are the same people who consistently mis-spelled MY name when I lived there? The same bunch of muddle-headed twats who DID NOT EVEN WRITE MY NAME CORRECTLY ON MY DIPLOMAS!!!???!]

To refresh your memory, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the Dutch mp who has been receiving death threats from both the right wing and the left wing, as well as the hard-core Islamist camp and the neo-Nazis. A courageous woman. A woman worth emulating. A far better Dutchwoman than Rita Verdonk will ever be. A credit to her party. Who by their recent actions have proven themselves unworthy entirely of such credit. The skunks do not deserve her.

Please read these two posts.



No, I'm not a happy camper at this point.
But at least I am not Dutch, so there is something that is very right in my life.

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