Monday, May 08, 2006


Yes, I'm as flabbergasted as you are. But I assure you, it has to be true. For proof, look no further than the following exchange in the comments section on one of Dovbear's posts (

If this isn't conclusive evidence of a whole bunch of nasty Tequila hangovers, I don't know what is.
And Rabbosai, let this be a lesson to stay away from Hornitos or Don Julio (and especially Cuervo, chosvesholem!), - better you should drink Oro Y Azul!

Naphtuli why don't you and CWY retire with Ezzie to the jacuzzi for a threesome. Or a fivesome if egos are counted.
Alex 05.08.06 - 2:29 pm # <>

Alex- what do you have against gay people?
Classmate-Wearing-Yarmulka Homepage <> 05.08.06 - 2:32 pm # <>

CWY, Nothing, I am sure your father is a wonderful fellow.
Alex 05.08.06 - 2:32 pm # <>

Not that there's anything wrong with it.
Classmate-Wearing-Yarmulka Homepage <> 05.08.06 - 2:33 pm # <>

Alex, you haven't insulted my mother yet.
Classmate-Wearing-Yarmulka Homepage <> 05.08.06 - 2:36 pm # <>

It's be kind to dumb animals week
Alex 05.08.06 - 2:37 pm # <>

I thank you and your commenters for the fact that one need look no farther than this thread for prime examples of men being pigs. Assuming that pigs also pee on each other in addition to stinking and rolling around in feces and mud.
RenReb Homepage <> 05.08.06 - 3:39 pm # <>

(oh - and grunting and snorting as a means of expression and communication)RenReb Homepage <> 05.08.06 - 3:40 pm # <>

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As Eric Cartman would say " I love you guys...."

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