Tuesday, January 31, 2006


According to certain nameless dunces (Tom Wildmon, Bill O'Reilly, and Jerry Falwell, et al), some of us "secular liberal Soddom and Gomorrah loving atheists" have been waging a war on Christmas.

So they declared war on us.

Well, we had been nicely sleeping, but we woke up in time to see them lose that war like they're losing Iraq.

Christmas is a weapon of mass destruction.

I'm not quite sure, but I think some of us SLSGLAs spoke out against the nameless dunces (Tom Wildmon, Bill O'Reilly, and Jerry Falwell, et al).
Which was kinda waging war on the war against the war on Christmas.

The reason I'm not sure is 'cause the nameless dunces (Tom Wildmon, Bill O'Reilly, and Jerry Falwell, et al) kept shooting themselves in the foot, so it was hard to see if any of our potshots hit home.

Bless their hearts, as they say in the south. Bless their hearts.

I believe that usually means "don't bring that bitch into mah kitchen if ya wanna live, boy". Or something like that. Equally appropriate.

At this point, Christmas gives me bile. Christians give me bile. G-d mentioned on tv gives me bile. The phrase "happy holidays" gives me bile.

Sacharine sentiments about peace and love and forgiveness give me bile.

Heck, at this point, cute little puppies give me bile. Please kill them with an axe. Or wring their miserable little necks. And furry kittens too.

I'm not filled with hate. I'm filled with bile.

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Read a shiur a while back that argued that hate was a good thing. It was very convincing. Cannot remember the name of the author.

Moses hated. Abraham hated. If Lot had hated, it would have been better for him.

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