Friday, November 08, 2024


One thing which is almost dead certain is that nearly everything will be far more expensive because of ill-considered tariffs next year. Because, as anyone understands, the supply line is heavily reliant on imports. Necessarily, it means that middle-America will lose weight and lead a more healthy life. They will have to drink less beer and eat fewer burgers.

I look forward to seeing thinner trimmer waddly tourists blocking the streets, and fewer of them. And they'll likely leave morbid gran'ma with the mobility scooter back in Alabama.

[They should do that in any case. We have hills here, and there's no telling how many Southerners or Midwesterners with elephantine body parts lost control of their little rascal and went into the bay at high speed. Who keeps track of those things anyway? They're a fact of life, and jolly good riddance. There's more food at the buffet for everyone else.]

Wealthy Marinites might be hard put to find cheap labour, they'll probably have to wield their own leaf blowers, oh the heartache. The building trades will suffer, as English speakers don't apply for those jobs anymore. Car sales will go down, because that too is heavily reliant on imported goods and materials. Walmart prices will go through the roof.
And most Americans will be poorer.
Medical costs will also go up. With fewer programmes to cover the cost. So it's highly likely that caravans of refugees from the red states with diseased and infectious freeloaders will head across the desert. We'll probably have to erect fences to keep them out.

We already took the Okies. And that caused nothing but trouble.

Fried chicken eaters.

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