Tuesday, November 19, 2024


Second cup of coffee, and dawdling over the internet. Read some Dov Bear, news articles, avoided anything from Fox News. Plus lamented man's cruel inhumanity to man in a cold dark universe. Existential dread! Actually, scratch those last two items, not my style. Also reread some eloquent comments talking smack about certain people from more than a decade ago, and giggled. They were frightful dicks then, and probably still are.
No regrets over cutting time with them down to zero.

Postponed necessary tasks for an hour or so.

And I just noticed that the half dozen shadow puppets near the far bookshelf are a bit dusty. Might need to clean them up a bit. Later.

One person I blocked over ten years ago lived in fear that Obama would come for his guns.
I fervently hope that he crashed his damned motorbike, but I'm not interested in finding out.
Good riddance, if so.

Two others were cat women. Nothing wrong with that.
Despite being male with no cats, I'm one too.
But they were hip, and non-smokers.
The pipe shown above is in the current rotation, and one of my best smokers. The company that made it stopped putting out briars two decades before I was born. So it's very suitable for enjoying while reading authors who are not woke and hip enough for the current generation. As most excellent authors are.

What the heck am I saying?!? Any pipe is good for that! The item shown below, produced far more recently, is also one that Gen Z would be offended by. Tobacco is evil and meat-based. Totally! It represents the white man repressing peaceful natives all over the world.
Sadly, none of the products I enjoy regularly is soy-based. Except for actual soy products. Which are perfect with meat. Strange how that works. One of my favourite Chinese dishes is stuffed tofu (釀豆腐 'yung dau fu') made with both pork and shrimp paste, served with hot sauce. Which is probably very Texan of me. May I mention again that despite being masculine, and having no cats, I am a single cat lady?

The two cat women mentioned earlier were single and lived in the East Bay.
They probably voted for Trump, because of "reasons".
I'm glad I no longer know them.

As an example of peaceful natives, both incredibly artistic and spiritual, I would highlight the Aztecs, who sacrificed war captives to the sun on an incredible scale. As well as the Ashanti, who sold their war captives to the Dutch, Portuguese, and Arabs.
So incredibly artistic and spiritual!

The history of Africa, btw, is an almost unending string of massacres and genocides.
I am filled with respect for their artistic and spiritual achievements.

Before human ascendancy, the natives lived in harmony.
And no one ate meat or shoe leather.
Gosh golly.

I understand that there is indeed tofu-based bacon.
Probably too spiritual for people like me.
So I'll be avoiding that.

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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