Thursday, July 11, 2024


Prayer leads to constipation. And, judging from the sounds of this neighborhood waking up which I hear while outside walking with my pipe early in the morning, there are some mighty religious people living here. As evidence I offer that the only evidence of non-constipatory existence seems to be that only the dogs being walked have excellent digestive processes. Their owners are themselves not prepared to poo, clearly, and they don't have their helpmeets or children out there on a leash. So that ain't happening.
Quod erat demonstrandum.

Speculate all you want about litterboxes.
I'll believe it when I see it.

Despite the salutory effect of red Virginia leaves at a slow ember inside fine briar, it is with a considerably jaundiced eye that I regard my neighbors at this hour. Why are they out here?

Many, if not most of the people on the street at six o'clock in the morning have the precise appearance of being bourgeois consumer whores.
As do their icky dogs.

French bulldogs and pugs. Uurgh!!!
With designer fewmets.

Dawn is horrid.
First, a cup of coffee. Pipe smoke. Then home for the second cup of coffee.

Followed by reading the news.

In another few hours I might go out for some congee or dimsum. Don't know yet. Bourgeois scuzzies seldom go for snackies in Chinatown early in the morning. They're too busy ordering their lattes with syrup down at the local baristeria.
Fashionable steamed milk bevvies.

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