Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Two of my more recent posts on social media have been to indicate the I am not vested in the Lord Of The Rings thing, and do not take kindly to people desirous of telling me about Medicare Parts A and B whom I do not know and did not ask to call me.

Sharon, a programmed message caller, got the licensed agent, an Indian call center drooge. Who was firmly told 我唔知你係邊個,我唔想同你講嘢。Imagine a baffled pause, followed by a disconnect.

Sadly, I do not have a favourite hobbit. They're all odious. Frodious.

And please don't tell me about 'second breakfast' again. The full English breakfast (and also the Scottish) is incredibly nasty, and having it twice in one day would be torture.
Besides being unhealthy and indigestible.

Today I snacked a bit before heading out for a late lunch. 牛肉免治飯,兩個煎蛋 ('ngau yiuk min chi faan, leung go jin daan') and a cup of Hong Kong milk tea. I was too busy internetting about lizards to actually have breakfast. Or second breakfast. Or lunch at the normal time.

Three hours more or less after puffing the post-lunch pipe, I was back at the same cross street smoking another bowlful while waiting for the bookseller. It was pleasant out, not warm, so tourist maidens showing off their tumtums with immodest clothing were not to be seen, and the Midwesterners have all waddled back to wherever they came from.
There have been times in the past few weeks when I did not feel quite myself. The weather had a lot to do with that. Not the usual foggy cold summer we're used to, but warmish, even quite hot. On Wednesday it might get up to the seventies, so there could be some public immodesty. But most of the next week or two it's probably going to remain in the sixties.
With fog most mornings and late evenings. Perfect for thoughtful pipesmoking.

It felt moist in Chinatown tonight.

During the cold wet part of the year I'd occasionally see Russel and Stephen when I was at that spot after lunch at my usual Wednesday haunt. Russel has since then had a bad bout of pneumonia and has not full recovered yet, Stephen doesn't walk around much alone, and the Wednesday restaurant folks have been on vacation since the beginning of May. The world is out of sync. Which tonight was exemplified by the squalling jugend loitering in front of the karaoke joint. Their gay ruckusing was audible from a block away. A veritable zoo.

We got to the bus stop too early to see the winsome miss with the anime babe hair (silvery light blue) who normally waits there at the same time. The bus over the hill was more filled than the later one usually would be. And there was more noise on the street.

I do not quite understand what my friend meant when he described a mutual acquaintance as giving a ghastly wave in response to our greeting.
But I did not see it.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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The entire week has been rather nasty, weather-wise. Hot. Most of the time the Bay Area is temperate, and there have been some lovely foggy ...