Sunday, July 28, 2024


One thing about the tropical world is that if you, for instance, ask someone "is this the road to Tambuen and Bato Lengkuang?" the answer is always "yes". It may go the opposite direction entirely, but they know that giving actual directions would be difficult, they might not have a clue in any case, and "no" is NOT the answer you want. They want you to be happy.
Even if later you aren't.

Are there any armed irridentists up ahead?

Well, there might be. Or the national constabulary have a check point up ahead to collect "charitable contributions". You won't know, until you know.

Which is one reason why I don't know if there are any good lunch places in that direction. When in Marin, I seldom go off base. For all I know there may be cannibals there. Also a taco place, but the natives there are goofy. Who knows what's up ahead. Hot tubs. Hippies. Yoga practitioners. People who will force apple cider vinegar and miracle manuka honey upon the unwary traveller. New age religious fundamentalists who will stone your vehicle if you go through their settlement on the wrong day.

So the answer to the question I overheard the other day is, naturally, "yes".
And this road goes as far as you can see, but maybe no further.
Also, it functions as an emergency runway. For landing the "medical supplies".

The question was "How old is this fellow who is turning ninety this year?"

I don't know, probably in his late teens, what do you think? He's older than Jayzus, might be a modern day Methuselah, could even be a reanimated corpse or an eight hundred year old vampire, one of the undead, were you actually listening to yourself when you asked the question:

"How old is this fellow who is turning ninety this year?"

I never would have guessed that he's that old. He looks totally lacquered and varnished.
I didn't know that embalmers worked on the living. Painting trompe l'oeil takes talent.

Especially if you're working on something soft and spongy.

Maybe it's just Botox.


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