Sunday, June 02, 2024


Having discovered that my upper-back feels much better if I make the first cup of tea before we open the doors in the morning and let the senile old forkies enter in for the day, it should surprise no one to hear that by early afternoon I was high as a kite on caffeine. Cup and a half of strong coffee in the hours after getting up. Four cups of tea and a cup of coffee during the working day. More coffee when I get home in the evening. Twirling, twirling, twirling, sudden crash.

Remember that line from The Sixth Sense?

"I see dead people."

When I saw that movie I didn't understand that that explained why Cole (Haley Joel Osment) ended up conversing with Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis). It was a clue to Malcolm being himself an ex parrot, so to speak.

I see things that twitch out of the corner of my eye. They aren't always senescent old Marinite bastards. They've got brainrot, I'm wired to the eyebrows.

There are shadows there.
It's kind of fuzzy. I do not know if it's a weasel or a baby fox.

On my days off I am not nearly so hepped. Calmer, more rational, and probably much more likable. There are enough insane people in San Francisco that I do not need to add to the number. So those days I do not overdo the stimulating beverages.

I wonder if Rich's dog also saw the little furball. If so, it managed to not react. It's in training to become a guide dog, and they usually pick eventempered soundly balanced beasts for that. Besides, it probably realized that the creature in the corner was figmentary and harmless.

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