Sunday, January 26, 2020


Always argue with your turkey vulture. What with being a carrion-eater (or, as he puts it, "disposal expert") his ideas of rational conversation may be a bit askew, as well as his familiarity with normal creatures, such as the cat, the sheep-ess, the teddy bear (aka "head roomie"), and sundry others.

No, Sydney Fylbert, we do NOT need anyone "disposed of". And no one here plans on being a corpse anytime soon. Yes, this shortbread is delicious, but I do not know what cadaver it may have come from.

There is no facebook page for this shortbread where we may leave our condolences. But it's very thoughtful of you to think of that.

In other news, one of my friends is distressed that he missed one of the X-men movies. Something about "continuity" and "Marvel Universe". Blah blah blah. I haven't a clue what he's on about, and it's quite possible that his life encompasses a strangeness that I can only guess at.

I have not seen ANY of the X-men movies. Or the Batman movies. Or the Superman movies. Masked turtles, Captain America, and Wonderwoman.

Now, if they made movie about "The Dynamite Dutchman", a superhero crime fighter from my ethno-cultural group, I might go see it.
Backstory: having lost his parents at a young age, our hero decides, when he graduates college, to devote himself to bringing white collar criminals and Belgians to justice. Like all such heroes, he dresses in spandex with a bright shiny neon colour scheme, accented by bright coloured underpants worn over his flashy skin-tight get-up. His special powers are accounting, higher math, linguistics, waterworks, and clog-dancing.
Special food: Herring.

The only super-hero to which I ever paid attention was The Tick.
Now there was a true all-American idol for the ages.

[Wikipedia] artist: Ben Edlund

All your Arthur are belong to us!


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