Sunday, November 25, 2018


There are many things that the middle-aged man does not need to know, and of which he would rather not be too aware. The emotional life of ducks (a matter that a coworker went into overmuch detail about, disapprovingly, pursuant things I love to eat and she doesn't, and thank you for telling me that). The mechanics of cubical wombat poo. Purple nurples. Donald Trump's thumb length. Praying mantis sex.
And Brazilian sugaring.

A sign on Lombard Street advertises the latter.

So I looked it up.

There are reasons most of the technicians skilled in Brazilian sugaring are women. And not middle-aged men. Good reasons. With validity.

And ladies, you is nuts. I say this as an expert on nuts.

If you get your Brazil sugared, do not tell the internet.

Posting pictures is too much information.

The bus back from Marin goes down Lombard Street. I had seen the sign a few times already, and indeed suspected the Brazilian sugaring might have some beautificatory connotations. So I finally went onto the internet to find out. I am glad I did not ask anyone I know about Brazilian sugaring.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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