Friday, January 21, 2011


An acquaintance of mine is dealing with the death of a relative. It was not a surprise when it happened, even the relative in question had acknowledged the inevitability, and when it happened it was quick and painless.
Still, there is a sense of loss. There always is.

What has proven disconcerting to my friend is that she has now come to regard herself as immature. Her reactions over the past several months have not been what she expected. The sense that something irreplaceable is gone now crops up in completely unexpected contexts, and often prompts memories from long ago.

It’s an interesting voyage of rediscovery, but she wonders now when she will finally grow up.
As she sees it, she's still far too much like she was as a child.
I do not know what she was like in those days, so I cannot judge.
But if I were her, I wouldn’t worry about it so. Anyone who can string several complete thoughts together in a logical and meaningful sequence is plenty mature.


Additionally, she is capable of thinking about things that she would rather not have to think about. She does not avoid the unpleasant requirements of life – she doesn’t embrace them with passion and fervor either – but she deals with matters as needed, and often pro-actively. That more than almost anything else shows maturity and independence. Her own character pulled her kicking and screaming into adulthood, she wasn’t pushed.
So any sense she may have that she isn’t ready for it yet is belied by the facts.

Still, I can’t help but wonder what she may have been like in those days.
She often seems playful, and still has the capacity for wonder. She sparkles around other people, and looks better than many women her age.
Additionally, any grey hairs have been pulled out, and from a distance the crows-feet are not apparent. If you didn’t actually listen to her, you might think that only her taste in whisky was truly adult.
She must have been one hell of a little girl.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Parson Brown said...

Men should cut off their penis, for it is an evil rod of Satan shooting Satan seed.

Satan said...

I wonder how Parson Brown's comment got through moderation.

The back of the hill said...

Hi Satan,

To quote from the sidebar note re moderation: "Most comments will be approved. Comments which mention certain names and addresses will not".

Parson Brown may very well have a great big bee up his bonnet - he may in fact be a relative of the 'Abso-Celibant' who blogged briefly and mercurially about the evils of marriage five years ago. But he's not selling porn or viagra, and he's not mentioning names and addresses.

So, despite than his obsession with his winkie, no real reason to not allow him to stump.

Tzipporah said...

but what if someone selling porn or viagra wishes to dispute his point of view, as they naturally would? Are their commercial desires enough to preclude them from the comment string? Or would you allow them to make their own impassioned defense of the male organ, if it were well-reasoned and erudite?

The back of the hill said...

but what if someone selling porn or viagra wishes to dispute his point of view, as they naturally would? Are their commercial desires enough to preclude them from the comment string? Or would you allow them to make their own impassioned defense of the male organ, if it were well-reasoned and erudite?

Commercial desires alone are not enough, commercial desires only are. And far be it from me to turn down an erudite and well-reasoned defense of the male organ, especially if impassioned!
As you can probably guess, I too have a point of view about the male organ – and can, at times, be passionate about the subject.

So, I hereby open the floor to anyone who wishes to speak on the subject. Please post your thoughts here.
Just remember a few things: no descriptives, no details, no names, no witnesses. And above all no spelling errors – the subject is far too weighty to permit egregious illiteracy. Literate male organ posts only, please.

Extra points for iambic pentameter or euphemistic use of French.

Antonius Vivaldi said...

Viagra is a religious imperative! It is a well-known fact that many important sages, of major world religions, went impotent as a result of smoking tobacco, and restored their potence only by using viagra.

This is true not only of people from Toishanese religions, but also famous Russian religions, including Greek Orthodoxy, Eastern Catholicism, Hasidism, and Judaism.

Having used the viagra, these important clerics reached the heights and climaxes of their religious careers, in unio mystica with the Divine Logos. Some of them even watched porn in order to heighten their state.

So check out my website, and learn more about this.

I dare you to publish this post, despite the following spelling error: anthropamorphisms.

Satan said...

So, I see you allowed Segnore Vivaldi's advertisement for viagra to go up (haha), despite the fact that he tempted you with a spelling error. What's up with that?

The back of the hill said...

The spelling error was there, obviously, to push my envelope.

My envelope does not get pushed.

Satan said...

As you can probably guess, I too have a point of view about the male organ – and can, at times, be passionate about the subject.

What is your point of view?

The back of the hill said...

Well, I rather like having one. Not that I allow it to dominate my thoughts, but I'm awfully fond of it, and wish it all the best.

A perfect encapsulation of my point of view in this piece of poetry:


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