Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Pursuant a mention of panties in a previous posting, and probably in reference to one of the characters from the manga series Ranma½ by Rumiko Takahashi, e-kvetcher sent me a cautionary note regarding a panty thief.

[Relevant previous posting: http://atthebackofthehill.blogspot.com/2008/01/more-manga-fun.html
Somewhat relevant previous posting which also mentions panties: http://atthebackofthehill.blogspot.com/2008/01/is-it-breast-thing-panties.html Ranma½: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranma_%C2%BD Rumiko Takahashi <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumiko_Takahashi]

I needs must quote from it, as it makes some intriguing reading.

"COLFAX, Washington - A man is facing a sentence of one-and-a-half months after admitting he stole 93 pounds of women's undergarments.
Garth Flaherty, 24, was charged with first-degree theft and burglary in the stealing of 1,613 pairs of panties, bras and other women's underwear from laundry rooms. "

"In his bedroom, police said, they found enough women's underwear to fill five garbage bags. "
[Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22782812/?GT1=10755]

I am filled with admiration for mr. Flaherty's achievement. That truly takes dedication. Determination. Devotion. Skill. Enthusiasm.

And a boundless love of panties.

I suspect mr. Flaherty was inspired by Happosai - the character in Ranma½ for whom the pursuit of the elusive woman's undergarment is scarcely second to a passion for bosom.
[See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happosai]

Happosai is the aged and shrunken teacher of both Ranma's dad and Soun Tendo (father of Kasumi, Nabiki, and Ranma's violent fiancée Akane).
He's also the very definition of 'elderly pervert'.
In case you didn't know, Happosai uses his great martial arts skills to steal women's underwear. Which is davka the purpose of all martial arts, don't you agree?

Post-scriptum: I shall not be sharing that opinion about martial arts with Savage Kitten, who has a brown belt in some super-violent Japanese version of chopsocky, and several gold and silver medals in some other martial art. I am not stupid. I would NOT want her to jump to the conclusion that her sensei (revered teacher) counted for little more than a clever pervert in my eyes.

[I'm already on plenty thin ice with her because of rumours of a panty-thing. Which I had nothing to do with, and I deny any involvement. I was somewhere else at the time, and I don't even know what panties are anyway - are they something that lives in the hills?]

I have nothing but deep respect for martial arts experts (even if some of them are skilled pantie-thieves).

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:

All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Spiros said...

Some association of ideas causes me to recall a notice posted in my laudramat, wherein a woman (presumably) claimed to have had three dozen panties stolen from her wash. I have always found the notion of three dozen panties in one wash to be somewhat dumbfounding.

All cotton! said...

A full months worth of Happosatic materials, that.

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