Monday, January 14, 2008


"A woman of valour, who can find, for her price is beyond rubies".
[Mishlei (Proverbs) 31:10]

Lamb shank with curry-paste, eggplant with savoury spices, and a fish.

Yes, these things are connected.

Yesterday I attended a meeting of one of the branches of the Great Zionist Conspiracy, Bay Area Chapter (meaning actually that I was at a small gathering of our tiny cadre of pro-Israel activists here in the mostly Israel-hating SF Bay Area). Two hours of klatshing. Constructive? Yes.

It left me with a screaming headache!

Do not conclude from this that the company of Jews makes me physically ill, however. The company of Jews is fine. The lack of caffeine, sugar, and protein for several hours was the culprit.
It must be primarily the lack of protein - I administered an emergency dose of caffeine and sugar shortly after the meeting ended, which did not significantly improve matters, but simply made me more alert to the symptoms.
Wide awake, so as to enjoy every spasm to the fullest extent possible.

I now understand why some people NEED to kiddush on shabbes morgen - the poor dears must sustain their heads.

I arrived home at six-thirty, nauseated and feeling like my head was going to explode. Pounding, throbbing, reverberating..... All bright lights hurt, all noises hurt, focusing my eyes hurt. Speaking hurt. Holding my head hurt, as well as NOT holding my head ("hmmmm, let's try that with only ONE hand.....").
Moaning also proved unpleasant. This was distressing, as sometimes I like to moan.
The inside of my cranium was a hard, nasty, and brutal place. My eyes felt like embers. Embers that had been pissed upon. I ached, I quivered, I cringed.

Shortly after I sat down, Savage Kitten had dinner on the table. Lamb. Eggplant. And a fish. Plus rice.

The head-ache was gone within an hour. Savage Kitten is a life-saver.
I hope she knows how much I treasure her.

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