Friday, December 28, 2007


At least, that's what I'm telling myself.

I posted something two days ago, right after critchmutch, which no longer seems to be on my blog. Can't find it anywhere
[I knew it was on there, because one of my co-workers read it and told my I was nuts.]

It was one of my best posts ever. Trust me, it was brilliant. Truly brilliant. You are so sad that you missed it. You are utterly heartbroken. And I don't blame you. It was that good.
But castigate blogger - they're the ones who took it down. Either accidentally, or because some of my incisive comments about the holiday offended them.

Maybe it was the links I posted. Who knows.

I had, in the context of explaining the nearly-non-observance of critchmutch at my house, provided some clickable links to Japanese cartoons. None of which dealt with critchmutch. In any way whatsoever.

One of them was this:

It shows the best moments for Kimura-san in the Anime of Azumanga Daioh - a sweet, charming, and very humorous look at Japanese Highschool life, focusing mainly on six main characters, but including several subsidiary characters as well - one of whom is a man who should NOT be teaching teenage girls: Kimura-san.

Pervy describes him rather well.

Quite well.

That's putting it mildly.

Do not send the video-link to your Snuggle-Bunny on Valentine's Day.

Unless, of course, your S.B. is like the person starring in this clip:

If that is the case, I want to hear more about your life. And so do my readers. Please comment at length underneath this posting. Details, please. We're much more than curious.

Thank you.


Tzipporah said...

very, very weird clips, BoTH.

Spiros said...

Actually, psychically, every morning for me is like waking up with Osaka-san standing over me with a knife.

Spiros said...

...and I must say that Kimura-san takes "pervy" into a whole, new, grotesque level.

e-kvetcher said...

Manga, huh? Spongebob Schwammkopf kicks its ass anyday!

The back of the hill said...

Tayere e-kvetcher,

I have forwarded the Taubes Nüsschen vidoe to two coworkers.
It seems to be about dessert and fishnet stockings - two things I can definitely get behind.



Imagining someone like Osaka-san in your life is quite interesting. Let this be the year that it happens.


And, for both of you, here's the absolute mack daddy motherlode of cute:

Note: The odd creation after the first tsukuri mashou is a nekko-ko-nekko (a kitten ('ko neko') upon a cat ('neko')).
The odd yellow flat creature (also a cat!) after the second tsukuri mashou is actually the standard representation of Chiyo-chan's father. He floats through the air in some episodes.

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