Thursday, March 29, 2007


Pre-ambular notations (read these first, before proceeding to the horrible pun):

Mechiras chometz = selling your chometz to a Gentile, in order to get rid of it without wasting it.
It is customary to sell all chometz one owns to a gentile before Peysach, in order to make certain that one has no chometzdikkes in one's possession for the duration of the festival. The sale has to be in all ways legitimate: the price has to be a fair one for the material being sold, the ownership of the material is with the gentile after the sale, and the gentile must have access to the material in order to use or enjoy it - you don't have to be Jewish to love Levi's rye bread. In apartment buildings one can claim that the basement, not being actually part of one's own dwelling, qualifies as a courtyard or common area, and thus that the storage of chometz is not on one's own premises.

Kinyan sudar = purchase by proxy (literally: acquisitition of a scarf); the legal acquisition, with documentation attesting thereto, of landed or moveable property, in which a scarf or other suitable object represents the object being sold. In relation to the selling of chometz, this is the method whereby stocks of chometz are transferred to a gentile owner for the duration, key element being that there must be believability to the transaction; the sale is honest, the gentile is the new owner, who may decide to sell the chometz back after peysach has passed, but is in no way obligated to do so.

Horrible pun:

"Did you hear about the sale of the brewery before passover?"
"It was a beer mitzvah."
Sorry. I won't do it again.


Phillip Minden said...

Shame on you. Go in the corner!

Tzipporah said...

(snort) (giggle)
heh heh...
that was soooo bad.

I love it.

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