Thursday, February 09, 2006


From the Volkskrant:
AMSTERDAM - VVD-politica Ayaan Hirsi Ali heeft tijdens een bezoek aan de Duitse hoofdstad Berlijn donderdag de publicatie van spotprenten van de profeet Mohammed geprezen. De Europese media en journalisten die zich daar tegen hebben uitgesproken noemde zij hypocriet en ruggengraatloos.
[During a visit to Berlin on Thursday, Dutch liberal party parliamentarian Ayaan Hirsi Ali praised the publication of the cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. She called the media and journalists who have spoken against the publishing hypocritical and spineless.]

"Intellectuelen en journalisten, die leven van de vrijheid van meningsuiting en censuur accepteren van de zijde van islamitische extremisten, verschuilen zich achter nobel klinkende begrippen als 'verantwoordelijkheid' en 'respect', maar tonen in werkelijkheid hun gebrek aan ruggengraat en bereidheid om hun principes hoog te houden", aldus het Tweede Kamerlid."
["Intellectuals and journalists, who live by the freedom to opinionate, and yet accept censoring from Muslim extremists, cower behind noble-sounding concepts such as 'responsibility' and 'respect'; but in reality they show their lack of spine and any determination to maintain their principles", according to the member of parliament.]

She said that the publication of the cartoons had been beneficial, as it highlighted once more that a segment of the Muslim community neither accepts the values of liberal democracies, nor tolerates freedom of speech.

In her opinion, there is an inalienable right to insult, and she advocates examination and criticism of Islam, averring that it is a creed that threatens open societies.

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Quote "In Islam there is a hardline Islamist movement that rejects democratic freedoms and seeks to destroy them."

Ms Hirsi Ali also rebuked European leaders for not standing by Denmark, and appeasing fundamentalists.

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Anonymous said...

You evil Christian bigot, I hope you rot in the fires of the pit, along with your ancestors.

Islam will conker your country, and end your filth.

The back of the hill said...

Hush, petty little PIG-person!

I am far from being an E.C.B. - I adhere to the Grelzakian Toad Cult. Which will smash your altars, and replace them with ponds.

"Islam will conker your country, and end your filth."

You will throw chestnuts at us and bring us soap?!??!?

We already have soap!

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