Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Seven cups of tea, five bowls of pipe tobacco. You might not think that this was a productive day, but opinions differ. Mine do. Always.

Yes. I am somewhat wired. Life smells like oranges.

Two Tobaccos.

A rich blend of Brazilian and African Virginia leaf with Cavendish and rare Louisiana Perique.

Pretty darn decent stuff. Admittedly, this is a tin from 2005, so it's got over eight years age on it. It smells heavenly, due to tin-fermentation.
An enjoyable smoke, similar to many other mixtures of flue-cured and condimental tobaccos made for the VaPer market.
Still have several tins of like vintage.

Bullet Rye Select.
Virginias, Burley, and something black (Cavendish?) topped with a "whiskey" note.

Extremely enjoyable Danish tobacco. The pipes now manufactured under the name 'Comoy' are from Cadogan, who has done their level best to ruin a once stellar reputation. I've seen total garbage with that estimable name, manufactured in Italy. Or maybe it was Vladivostok. Never mind. Suffice to say that I will not buy a Comoy pipe made in this day. Bleh. Just bleh.

The pipe tobacco, on the other hand, is a rather splendid product indeed, resembling any number of other English brands now manufactured in Denmark, in both cut and appearance.
Smokes like it too.

Worth enjoying several bowls of, this.
In a real Comoy; a Blue Riband.
Not one of 'those' things.

The tea? Nah, shan't go into detail. Merely functional hydration, not a super-fine Oolong or Shuisien, not even a Pi Lo Chun.
Just something rather brisk.


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Arno said...

That Comoy's cask No. 5 suspiciously sounds like an aromatic.. You are not wimping out are you??

The back of the hill said...

Not really an aromatic. Top dressing, yes, but not problematically so.

It's a very pleasant smoke.

Without an excess of added syrup to goop up the pipe.

Arno said...

Just saw I had an old tin of Comoy's Irish Mixture. Nooo idea if it is any good..

The back of the hill said...

If I remember correctly, it's a mild mixture of Virginias, some burley, black Cavendish, and Latakia, with a top dressing of Irish whiskey.
Smoked slow, quite pleasant.
Not overly funky.

The back of the hill said...

When rehydrating tobaccos, put them in a glass jar and make them marginally too wet. Set them in a warmish place for a day or two, then put them in the cupboard. After one or two days open the jar and let them dry to the point where they could be smoked, but not any drier than that.

Seal the lid tightly, and let them stand for two months. By this time the leaf will have come alive again, and minor fermentation makes the tobacco re-develop its flavours.

Arno said...

Ah, thanks for the tip! I usually rehydrate to the point the tobacco is good for smoking an that is it. Perhaps with the more expensive tobaccos that have dried out I will try this method.

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