Tuesday, July 26, 2011


This morning someone cruising the internet for articles about shark fin soup found my blog. Now, normally I am pleased as punch at evidence that there are still people who read elsewhere in the world. The twenty-first century seems to be dominated by folks who text instead, which indicates that the English language is dying as a mode of discourse.
However, this person chose to leave a few choice samples of his or her opinion.
I was less than overjoyed.

[This post: http://atthebackofthehill.blogspot.com/2011/05/shark-fin-soup-delicious-and-refined.html.]

I am not always enchanted by people who think differently. As just one example, yesterday evening the street person who hangs out in front of Walgreens was screaming his head off and using cuss words. Normally on my way home, I give him a buck and say "good evening", he accepts it saying "thank you". This time I used the other side of the street.
His voicing of an opinion which, though I have no clue what he was on about, would have likely been at odds with my welt-anschauung, meant that I ventured out of my way to not venture out of my way.

Had I been more tolerant of alternative viewpoints, that person would have received a dollar.

This morning's commenter could very well be that howling loony's kinsman.

"You fucking chink aught to shoot your cruel barbaric ass, what do you think you have the rights to deplete the oceans and destroy the foodchain? Who the hell do you people think you are raping the world?
and if you don't like it here go back to fucking china with your families fuck them all and see how you like it, dammed gook cunt."

End quote.

Not so! That doesn't describe me at all!
While I would gladly have you green with jealousy over what you imagine my sex-life to be, all rambunctious and joy-filled, sometimes loud and destructive to the undergrowth, zesty, energetic, and full of beans, if you were a regular reader here you would realize that there has been no sex whatsoever for a year.
Primarily because of sound judgment and common sense.
I live in San Francisco, where many women cast off their Midwestern prudery and deliberately irritate their parents by engaging in unsafe acts with men who have piercings, tattoos, and severe sanitary issues.
So no, there has been no sex.
The undergrowth has had a chance to recover, the jungle is restored.

"People like you make me pewk!"
End quote.

I am not interested in your sex life! Why are you sharing?

"Layland Yee is a cocksucking chink faggot who shoild never be elected mayor of San Francisco."
End quote.

Judging from what you previously wrote, you have sex on the brain.
It's affecting your judgment.


I think I'll splurge tonight. It's been a while since I soaked shark fin preparatory to making soup, but fortunately there are alternatives. Like restaurants.
Shark fin in broth, with shredded abalone, slivers of black mushroom, fresh herbs....
Perhaps I'll order a tureen of it. Dawdling over shark fin soup would be a glorious way to pass the time.
Quite the acme of sensual pleasure!
In many ways splendid dining is a more than adequate distraction from the disappearance of a sex life.
And living in San Francisco, where many women engage in unsafe acts with skunk-muffins, you will of course understand that in fact shark fin soup is preferable to most sexual experiences. I recommend you try it. It would take your mind off your own inadequacies, and might even cure you of your rhetorical afflictions - such as the ones so abundantly evident in your three comments.

Shark fin soup is infinitely better than wheatgrass, btw.

If you wish to become human again, please consult the 3 recipes below.




The great advantage to learning how to cook these at home is that you need not bathe before going out to eat, and no one will look askance at your personal adornments (the piercings, tattoos, and five day growth of beard).
It still won't get you laid, because you are uglier and stupider than most San Francisco trust-fund refugees from elsewhere, and foul-mouthed besides, but I know that your highly individualistic personal hygiene is very comforting to you.

That, and your typical bourgeois conspicuous non-consumption.

You do realize that belligerently saving the world and imposing your sanctimonious value-system on others perfectly identifies you as hopelessly middle-class, don't you?
Precisely like piercings, tattoos, and bad boy boffing, you muffin-skunk you.

Man is the ultimate apex predator. Bon appétit.


I was planning to flame and out-argue the anonymous commenter, but I kind of got distracted by thoughts of a lascivious nature. Fine food does that, as I'm sure you've discovered for yourself too. Nothing, in fact, is more conducive to romance or lust (or both, if happily they coincide) than something warm and delicious, smooth to the tongue, moist, and sparkling.
Like, for instance, a large bowl of shark fin soup.
Try it. You'll be surprised.

Shark fin soup: it's safer than sex in San Francisco.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Wareef said...

I get it that much or most of the shark caught in south east Asian seas is taken by Indonesian fishermen.

Therefore two questions.
ONE: should we not boycott Indonesia till they stop offending us?
TWO: will forbidding sale of sharkfin not penalize subsistence level workers in third world nations?

The first is implied in our dislike of the practice of finning and general santimonious approach to problems, the second an unfortunate side effect of same oh well.

THoughts about?

Refer to this link: said...

Maybe those comments were written by this guy?


The person who wrote that blog is very racist.


Again refering url: said...

That same blogger comments here: http://www.justanger.com/sombreroisland/Shark's_Fin_Soup


Anonymous said...

If it weren't for Europeans over fishing in the north Atlantic, and Latin Americans raping the South Atlantic and Carribean, there would be no problem. The Europeans, and the north and south Americans, resent the Asians fishing in the Pacific.

That is why so many white people are angry at Japanese whaling, and why ONLY white people are completely against shark fin soup.

The fight against depleting Atlantic cod, herring, and other fish populations, is never contaminated by racism or bigotry. The fight against Japanese and Chinese fishing is always thick with racism and bigotry. Every other argument boils down to them, those people, not us sacred white people.

Anonymous said...

This is the easiest controversy in history to resolve. In the last two Tsunami's all of the relatives of the people who want to eat the sharks were swept out to sea and eaten by sharks. THUS, if you eat a shark you are eating your grandmother! Spread the word and nobody will eat shark fin again.

The back of the hill said...

Anonymous at 3:29,

Sorry, but that is absolute nonsense. The tsunami that hit Japan washed Japanese people out to sea. The Japanese don't eat shark fin. And there are far fewer sharks in Japanese waters than further south, or, for instance, in the Mediterranean.

By the way, how do feel about bottom-feeders, like shrimp, crab, lobster, and midwesterners?

Seawitch Artist said...

So shark fin soup is safer than sex in San Francisco you say...are you sure? Does sex in San Francisco SHRINK your Willy?
I'd let people see the risks of this evil soup if I was you!

The back of the hill said...

Oh fuck off you twat.

You are a bigot, and your "art" is pretentious garbage.

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