Monday, June 02, 2008


In reaction to my posting about the British University and College Union reviving their odious campaign to boycott Israel, regarding which I cheekily complained that there were too few British things to boycott in response, reader and friend of blog Graham suggested that instead I boycott the English language.

He made the suggestion in Dutch.

Touché. 'Cheek-mate', so to speak.
[He is an Englishman. Dutch is my other native tongue. ]

However, boycott the English language? Heaven forefend! If I wrote mostly in Dutch, I would have far too many Netherlanders visiting this blog, and not nearly enough rational readers.

Speaking of a boycott.............

Passé cineaste cancels appearance in Tel Aviv.

Director Jean-Luc Godard recently withdrew from an Israeli film festival because of political motivations, succumbing to pressure from pro-Palestinians to boycott Israel.
That decision probably came naturally to him; his oeuvre betrays his biases.

Jean-Luc Godard is a crypto-Stalinist from an era (1960's) when post-war Europeans were discovering just how delicious it was to daemonize the United States, their own governments, their war heroes, their colonialist involvements, their societies' values, their own spectacular role in the mismanagement of the world, their religions, and their parents.
Such rejectionist "self-liberation" from the burden of the past enabled them to deny all involvement, guilt, and responsibility. It also allowed them to set aside WWII and pretend to be new, different, clean - societies transformed and sanctified.

It still is considered au courant, hip, and educated to subscribe to this crippled and glib world-view. Coupled with a selective superficial appreciation of both "culture" and Marxist ideals, it has been a hallmark of ultra-progressive Europeans ever since.

Jean-Luc Godard is nothing if not consistent - in the last forty years he's done little more than remain staunchly loyal to a rigid iconoclastic hashkofo.
One would not expect a leading light of New Wave cinema to break his own mold and reject his own clichés.

I wish him much success cooperating with the film boards of the Arab world - I expect that his next film will be a masterpiece along the lines of 'Triumph des Willens'.
Anything else would, of course, be censored, and being ideologically supportive of developing-world despotisms, he would wholeheartedly approve of that - societies struggling upward must not be hampered by free speech.

Even if one would expect such censorship to go against the very fibre of Jean-Luc Godard's being, we should instead assume that the very fibre of his being is sodden with self-loathing and a drang for discipline rather than any real appreciation of liberal values. That is a common response to the extraordinary freedoms of postwar European society, and many ultra-progressive Europeans are thus afflicted (their liberalism hides an insecurity and negativity that goes all the way to the bone).

[It probably also explains 'progressive' support for a boycott of Israel; as such it represents not only denial of that nation's right to exist, but deliberate deafness to its ideals and ideas, and a rejection of everything that is Israeli - people, society, culture, products - as if they were pollution and their very proximity defiling. All done in the approved manner, self-righteously as a social movement or group manifestation rather than by tyrannic fiat.
This is a censorship as fierce but far more degenerate than any other - with the pretense that personal freedoms are not affected, though individual choices are circumscribed and dissent is fiercely censured.]

At the ripe old age of seventy eight it must be too painful for Jean-Luc Godard to admit that he is scarce more than an intellectual manqué, appreciated because of political correctness, by the politically correct.

The lack of imagination on both sides of that equation speaks volumes.

If any of that loathsome Marxist's jejune films get shown in the bay Area, I will be organizing a protest.


J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

Couldn't find the other post... It's not that I'm an asshole, I'm just lazy...

Anyway, from memory... I have another 1,1,1,97, but not in public... judging from your consumption, you could move to Israel yesterday...

And it's a pity you don't drive; you could write articles entiteled "how to fill your pipe while driving at 84mph on a bridge where the speed limit is 45" or "what to do when you blow into your pipe while driving and a little chip of tobacco hits inside your eye and can't get out" or "what to do when you have one hand on the wheel, the other on your cell phone, the pipe between your teeth and you see a Yankee fan in the car next to you and you MUST scream an insult at him". So you're definitely losing out.

My point about Zionism was that it only works with penis reasoning. Not that that should be entirely diesregarded, but if brain reasoning nixes something, you can't just rely on emotions. Zionisim is a head-on anathema to everything Torah. Maybe RZ works a bit better. But the fact of the matter is that those who resided in the Land of Israel for generations under harsh conditions opposed the establishment of the state, even though they knew their phisycal lives would become much easier. NOT being an "am kechol haamim" is a central theme in the Torah. So "why everyone else and not us" doesn't fly, even if none of us would honestly believe we'd be better off w/o the state.

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

PS -

I have an assignment for you. If you do it, you get a beer. Or a commission, whatever you want.

I'm still looking for that incredible blend that you smell in the traffic jam and you go "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" what wouldn't I gove for that stuff! And sure enough, after a few minutes you catch up with the old geezer with a big white mustache in a 1923 Buick Touring. You probably had a teacher smoking it too.

Oh the catch? Well, I guess you've heard of the prverbial "cheap Jew". That was me. I don't spend more than $10 for a tin. But if it's really pikuach nefesh, it can go up to $15.

The back of the hill said...

Hi Joseph Izrael,

Temporarily disregarding the arguments contra-Zionism in your first comment (not enough caffeine yet), and addressing the issue of the pipe-tobacco smoked by the old geezer in the Buick: what does it smell like? What type of blend or mixture do you think it is? Can you describe it in more detail?

Need more information than age and car...... what other tobaccos does it remind you of?

We can probably find it, or a close replica - but it will require some effort. The trade has changed since the days when that old geezer was still the typical pipe smoker.

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