Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Jack's Shack (aka 'random thoughts' -
directs my attention to the following article:

In case you do not feel like clicking, it's a news item about some poor confused soul in Gwinnett County (somewhere in the hinterlands of Atlanta) who wants the board of eddikayshon to ban Harry Potter from the schools.

Quote: "Laura Mallory, a mother of four, told a hearing officer for the Gwinnett County Board of Education on Tuesday that the popular fiction series is an "evil" attempt to indoctrinate children in the Wicca religion."

You know, most people do not act like their stereotype. Most blacks are not jumpin' jiveasses, most Asian-Americans have no problem pronouncing "fried rice", most Dutch are not penny-pinching cheapskates (although many actually are 'dike-fingered cheese-snarfing clog-weasels').

Most Mexicans are not leaning against a cactus. Ever. Prickly.

Most Frenchmen bathe once in a while. So I've heard.

Many Canadians can go a whole day with-out saying 'eh'.

What this article illustrates is the crying need for positive news about Southerners - stuff that proves that not ALL of them are iggerunt hicks and rednecks, not ALL of them have brains rotted from too much corn-likker and anti-freeze.

Not ALL of them are unwashed slackjawed slump-backed slope-browed bleary-eyed pimpled hayseeds standing in a ditch next to the interstate staring at the roadkill wondering how to cook it.

Fried, deep-fried, or Bobby Cue.


Why is it that news-organizations only mention Southerners when they do something dumb? Why do we even need to know, again (for the umpteenth time!), that some Southern Fanny-Sue has done gone and put her hairy foot in her mouth, and done something monumentally stooooooopid?
Do we really need to know exactly what example of American uncivilization half of Western Europe will be giggling about over their croysun..... croissen..... cruissand...... sticky-buns, and idiotically strong coffee, early tomorrow morning?

No one NEEDS to know this stuff. We need to focus on something brighter.

Let us instead celebrate the fact that somewhere in the South there are libraries and schools, and people think that there is a good chance their kids might read.


Anonymous said...


Another crusade?

The back of the hill said...

Crusade? What means this word 'crusade'?

Is that not a word that will get me in trouble with our friends the suppliers of oil?

I would not DARE offend them. Ever.

Let us instead use the words 'gee-had'. Yes..., that's right..., gee had.

Jack Steiner said...

Got to love some of dese more progressive types.

e-kvetcher said...

Crusade? What means this word 'crusade'?

Reminds me of an old joke about the Germans...

Border? What means this word 'border'? Ahh, you mean 'front'!

Anonymous said...

The name for the frontier varies on whether you are invading or defending.

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