Friday, May 08, 2020


Yesterday evening the apartment mate discovered a "sound healing center" on the internet. With great glee she read the promo blurb aloud, and giggled. As did I. Because what we both heard was pretentious Southern California bullshit. But it would also sell in Marin County. Along with 'crystal healing', 'mind-body work', shamanism, and various other health gimmicks.
All of which, trust me, will help prevent Covid 19.
And I encourage all those people to take it.
A jolly good riddance if you ask me.

Along with their spiritually significant beads, doodads, meditation, mysticism, past lives, and chanting.

You are filled with a soft golden light.
You are filled with a soft golden light.
You are filled with a soft golden light.

As long as you sound contemplative and spiritual when you speak, you can say all kinds of goofy shiznit to the people who paid for the experience.

Really, it's okay to dream of cheetos .....
Paradise is filled with cheetos.
Cheetos are good karma.
I'm a pro at this.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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