Friday, May 22, 2020


In a month's time, the number of Covid19 cases will have hit one percent of the population, at current rates of increase. So my advice is to make sure you're freshly washed and are wearing clean underwear. Just in case.
I realize that in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia, that may be difficult.
But just try, okay? Show some consideration for the medical staff.

Yeah, I realize that many of you are convinced that this is all a plot by Bill Gates and the WHO to implant people with a microchip so that the Bilderbergers and the deep state can track you, but realistically speaking extremely few of you are interesting enough to do that to, and they've already got your mobile devices on the radar in any case.
As well as your dental fillings.

Beware of penguins. From "John Dash at Penguin Castle", we know that penguins are actually the villains. This message was cunningly hid in a children's book plot from the forties, transparent to those who know.

The bad guys are always penguins.
Spy androids with feathers.
Almost indestructible.

Always watch out for penguins!

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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