Thursday, October 04, 2007



The rosheshiva (soll sein gazunt) of Yeshiva Chipass Emess - West Coast (in beautiful downtown San Francisco, soll sein sehr shain) wishes to stress to the talmedim that hagba and slivovitz do NOT go together. Ever.

We do not want a repeat of that disgraceful episode from last year. You know who you are (*).

And further, don't just dance with your chavrusa, he gets all your attention anyway.
This time dance with someone else (especially you, Shmelkele - remember those rumours?).

As for the rest of you menuvlim, have a happy Simches Torah.

That is all.


(*) Yes, we know you claimed that someone covered the floor with chicken fat. That's not an excuse we're willing to accept.

1 comment:

Tzipporah said...

Apparently, bringing a 13-month-old to Simchat Torah celebrations is a segulah for having musical instruments touched by sticky little hands...

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